Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Utility Bill Assistance (Non-Crisis)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides payments for home energy services to income-eligible households.
Applicants may only receive one LIHEAP benefit each season.
- Heating: November 15 – March 15
- Cooling: April 1 – September 30
The applicant must be responsible for paying the household energy bill.
Applicant must have an active heating/cooling utility account.
Proof of income, picture identification, and social security cards for all household members are required, along with a bill or printout from the client’s utility company/companies. Assistance is contingent upon the availability of funding.
Utility Bill Assistance (Crisis)
Residents may receive crisis assistance once a year with proof of income, picture identification, and social security cards for all household members along with a bill or printout from the applicant’s utility company/companies. Applicant must be responsible for the household energy cost and have a threatening or actual interruption of service. Assistance is contingent upon the availability of funding.